Community Legal Aid Society (CLASI) - Georgetown Office - Disability Law Program
How to Get Help
Phone Number | 302-856-3742 |
Documents | Please have on hand any documents related to your legal issue. |
Information | If you have a legal problem that is related to your disability, you should call the CLASI office nearest you. The voice/tty phone numbers in each county are: New Castle County: Kent County: Sussex County: |
Documents | Please have on hand any documents related to your legal issue. |
Information | Walk-ins are welcome. Below are the locations for CLASI's offices in each county. New Castle County Kent County Sussex County |
Who We Are
The Disabilities Law Program (“DLP”) is a special project of Community Legal Aid Society, Inc., which is designated by the Governor as the Protection and Advocacy agency in Delaware. The DLP provides advocacy services to Delaware residents with physical or mental disabilities. We prioritize our services based on federal agency guidance and needs identified by consumer and community groups.
Who We Serve
Area(s) |
Cirumstances and languages in which interpreters are provided | We will provide an opportunity for any language when necessary for us to communicate with an applicant. |
Is this organization accessible by wheelchair? | YES |
Does this organization provide access for the hearing impaired? | YES |
Type of Help
This group provides the following types of services based on your legal needs and its resources: |
Description of Services | Individual Advocacy - including investigation, mediation, negotiation, legal consultation and legal representation. Systemic Advocacy - emphasizing major reform efforts on critical issues affecting client groups through negotiation, legislation, regulatory work, and litigation. General Information – regarding available services, rights and remedies to clients and their families, service providers, attorneys and other representatives. Referral Services – provided to those who may be better served by other sources such as state, local or federal agencies, or other advocacy organizations. Community Education/Self Advocacy Training – community education materials and programs are provided as well as training and legal information workshops. |